Graduate studentships: The Aquatic Intermittency effects on Microbiomes in Streams (AIMS), USA

The Aquatic Intermittency effects on Microbiomes in Streams (AIMS) team is seeking enthusiastic, qualified, diverse applicants for 11 graduate student positions across seven different institutions. Students will join a collaborative team of scientists focused on understanding the role of microbiomes and stream intermittency in controlling downstream water quality in the Mountain West, Great Plains, and Southeastern Forest ecosystems. All students will take a cross-institutional Team Science and Collaboration course in their first year, receive support for data science instructor training through The Carpentries Foundation, have opportunities to mentor undergraduate research projects, and will work with an amazing team of scientists (see below). Dr. Amy Burgin at the University of Kansas is the overall contact point for the project; if you have questions about the benefits of working on the AIMS project or how the project will be coordinated, please feel free to contact her at AIMS is funded by an NSF-EPSCoR Track 2 Collaborative grant, a press release also provides additional details. If interested in joining AIMS, email the contact person listed at a given institution. Please include your CV and short introduction to your research experience and interests.

Institution: University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas; 2 Positions

Mentors & Contact

Position 1: Dr. Erin Seybold ( and Dr. Amy Burgin (; please include both accounts on inquiry emails), 

Position 2: Dr. Sam Zipper (

Master’s/Ph.D. or either: Ph.D. preferred, Master’s considered

Academic Unit(s): Ecology & Evolutionary Biology OR Geology 

Application Deadline: EEB: 1 Dec 2020; GEO: Rolling Admissions 

Application components: Both: 3 Letters of Recommendation, Personal Statement(s), CV, Transcripts; Geology requires GRE but no minimum score; TOEFL for international students


·         Position 1 (biogeochem focus): biogeochemistry, ecosystem ecology, sensor experience/field methods

·         Position 2 (hydro focus): hydrogeology, hydrology, field methods

Website for more info: EEB:


Institution: Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS

Mentor & Contact: Dr. Lydia Zeglin (

Master’s/Ph.D. or either: Either

Academic Unit(s): Biology

Application Deadline: 15 Dec 2020

Application components: Personal Statement, 3 Letters of Recommendation, Transcripts, Application Fee, TOEFL for international students

Skills/Interests/Experience: Molecular Microbial Ecology

Website for more info

Institution: University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma; 1 Position

Mentor & Contact: Dr. Daniel Allen (

Master’s/Ph.D. or either: Either

Academic Unit(s): Biology

Application Deadline: 1 Dec 2020

Application components: 3 Letters of Recommendation, Personal Statement, CV, Transcripts; unofficial TOEFL iBT or IELTS exam scores for applicants whose native language is not English.

Skills/Interests/Experience: Stream ecology, Macrosystems ecology, Ecology of aquatic insects/benthic macroinvertebrates, DNA metabarcoding, Biological data science

Website for more,

Institution: Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID; 3 positions

Mentors & Contact: Dr. Sarah Godsey, Dr. Rebecca Hale (, Dr. Kathleen Lohse (  

Master’s/Ph.D. or either: Either

Academic Unit(s): Geosciences OR Biological Sciences 

Application Deadline: January 15th, 2021 

Application components: Both: 3 Letters of Recommendation, Personal Statement, CV, Transcripts; GRE*; TOEFL for international students 

Skills/Interests/Experience: hydrology, sensor experience, data science, biogeochemistry, ecosystem ecology, MS preferred

Website for more info: Geosciences:

            Biological Sciences*:

(*due to testing availability, the Bio subject GRE requirement is waived this year for PhD applicants; inquire about GEO GRE if accessing testing is an issue) 

Institution: University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama; 2 Positions

Mentors & Contact: Dr. Nate Jones (, Dr. Jon Benstead (  

Master’s/Ph.D. or either: Ph.D.

Academic Unit(s): Department of Biological Sciences

Application Deadline: 10 Dec 2020

Application components: Both: 3 Letters of Recommendation, Personal Statement(s), CV, Transcripts; TOEFL for international students

Skills/Interests/Experience: hydrology, biogeochemistry, and stream ecosystem ecology

Website for more info

Institution: University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS; 1 Position

Mentor & Contact: Dr. Colin Jackson (

Master’s/Ph.D. or either: Ph.D.

Academic Unit(s): Department of Biology

Application Deadline: 1 Feb 2021

Application components: Application, Statement of Purpose, 2 Letters of Recommendation, Transcripts, GRE, TOEFL or IELTS for international students

Skills/Interests/Experience: Microbial Ecology

Website for more info

Institution: University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi; 1 Position

Mentor & Contact: Dr. Kevin A. Kuehn (

Master’s/Ph.D. or either: Ph.D. 

Academic Unit(s): Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences (BEES)

Application Deadline: Fall admission – February 15th, Spring admission – October 15th Application components: 3 Letters of Recommendation, Personal Statement, CV, Transcripts, and scores from the verbal and quantitative tests of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), and TOEFL for international students. 

Skills/Interest/Experience: A Master’s degree in biology, microbiology, ecology, or closely related field is required. Applicants having prior experience in molecular techniques for determining microbial community structure would be considered a plus.

Websites for more information:

Kevin A. Kuehn: (



Author: Nicolas Clercin

Limnology, Phytoplankton and Microbial Ecology, Algal Blooms. With a primary background in Aquatic Ecology, my current research focuses on microbial activity and production of taste-and-odor compounds (MIB and geosmin) in eutrophic reservoirs.

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