Postdoc (Chemical diversity of organic matter in river networks), University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

The Fluvial Ecosystem Ecology group at the University of Innsbruck is looking for an Aquatic Biogeochemist to add to our team of river ecologists. A full position description is available here:

We offer a minimum 2-year postdoc position performing ultra-high resolution mass-spectrometric analysis of natural dissolved organic matter from samples collected in river networks across Europe as well as in laboratory-based artificial systems. Research tasks most importantly include developing measurement and data processing routines for non-targeted screening as well as for targeted analysis of specific DOM compounds on an Orbitrap-MS/MS system, which is available in a dedicated metabolomics laboratory with various LC and IC front ends. The candidate should also be ready to contribute to diverse biogeochemical field work during sampling expeditions to various European river networks in Austria, Hungary, Croatia and Albania. Planned publications revolve around characterization and dynamics of dissolved organic matter in river networks. Other contributions to the team’s research depend on expertise.


– doctoral degree in relevant disciplines (Ecology, Limnology, Environmental Sciences, Ecohydrology, Geochemistry)

– Excellent written/spoken English

– Expertise in river ecology, ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry, microbial ecology, molecular biology methods

The position can be filled anytime from November 2020 onwards. Salary will be according to standard remuneration of the Austrian Science Fund. The position will be filled upon identification of a strong candidate. UIBK is an equal opportunity employer.

For more information and to apply contact Dr. Gabriel Singer at UIBK ( Feel free to contact anyone in the team ( to learn about (y)our work atmosphere. Submit your application via email including a CV, a brief letter of motivation indicating experience and research interests/ideas, contact details of two referees and copies of pertinent degree certificates.

Author: Nicolas Clercin

Limnology, Phytoplankton and Microbial Ecology, Algal Blooms. With a primary background in Aquatic Ecology, my current research focuses on microbial activity and production of taste-and-odor compounds (MIB and geosmin) in eutrophic reservoirs.

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